


日期:2021-09-17 来源:yl12311线路检测 作者:



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宋晓辉,男,19879月出生。副教授(黄山学术骨干),硕士生导师。20166月毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学化学专业,获理学博士学位。20219月开始至今在yl12311线路检测材料物理系工作,承担教学和科研任务。主要从事微纳尺度下电镜三维重构技术、原位电镜技术等在材料构效关系研究中的应用,在Nature(主要合作者), Nature Nanotechnology(主要合作者), JACS(主要合作者) Nature Communication (主要合作者), ACS Nano(共同一作) Nano Letters(共同一作), Small(一作), ACS Applied materials       Interfaces(一作)等高水平期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,论文被引用900余次,H因子14

l   教育简历

2019/10 - 2020/10,美国康涅狄格大学,yl12311线路检测,博士后,合作导师:Puxian Gao

2018/03 - 2019/10,美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室,电镜中心,博士后,合作导师:Mary Scott

2018/03 - 2019/10,美国加州大学伯克利分校,yl12311线路检测,博士后,合作导师:Mary Scott

2016/07 - 2018/03,美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校,yl12311线路检测,博士后,合作导师:Qian Chen

2012/07 - 2006/06,新加坡南洋理工大学,数理学院,化学专业,博士,导师:Hongyu Chen

l  工作简历

2021/9 - 至今,57365线路检测中心官网,yl12311线路检测



无机化学,材料科学与实验,材料测试与分析, 材料科学与基础



l  教学研究


l  科学研究

[1] 基于机器学习的电子显微镜三维重构技术对功能材料微纳尺度下的构效关系研究。

[2] 采用原位电子显微镜技术、原位AFM技术、原位CT技术来研究固态电池材料性能

[3] 固态电解质界面行为研究

[4] 纳米材料自组装和高分子材料自组装动力学研究

[5] 多孔纳米材料的合成设计与储能应用研究



l  科研项目

[1] 基于界面反应原位构筑无机复合固态电解质及固态钠金属电池研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与,2021.1-2024.12



l  学术论文

 [1] Xiaohui  Song, Zihao Ou, Jing Tang, Ming Lin, Mufan Li, Quantitative   Analysis of Porous ZIF-8 Particles Prepared by Wet Chemical Etching via       3D Electron Tomography, ACS Materials Letters, 2021, 3, 171-178.

[2] Xiaohui  Song, Weichang Xu, Xiaotao Liu, Songlin Liu,  Polystyrene-block-poly(acrylic acid) shell transformation study on   Tellurium nanowire coating procedure, ACS applied materials &       interfaces, 2020, 12, 3969-3975.

[3] Xiaohui    Song, W Xu, D Su, L Yu, The synthesis of hollow-porous Cu2O   nanoparticles by ion-pairing behavior control, ACS Omega, 20201879-1886.

[4] Xiaohui    Song, JW Smith, J Kim, NJ Zaluzec, W Chen, H An, JM Dennison, Q   Chen, Unraveling the Morphology–Function Relationships of Polyamide    Membranes Using Quantitative Electron Tomography, ACS applied materials    & interfaces, 2019, 11, 8517–8526.

[5] Xiaohui    Song, A Bruefach, PM Pelz, H Devyldere, M Scott, Engineering       Chiral Structures Through Strain Release: Electron Tomography Study of       Twisted Nanowires, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2019, 25 (S2), 1804-1805.

[6] Z Ou, Xiaohui   Song (Co-first author), W Huang, X Jiang, S Qu, Q Wang, PV Braun,       Q Chen, Colloidal Metal–Organic Framework Hexapods Prepared from   Postsynthesis Etching with Enhanced Catalytic Activity and Rollable   Packing, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2018, 10, 40990-40995.

[7] Xiaohui   Song, Vladislav, Cuicui Liu and Weichang Xu, The preparation of   anisotropic hybrid nanostructures based on CdSe and CdS by the ligand  combination method, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 3934.

[8] Xiaohui   Song, Tao Ding, Lin Yao, Ming Lin, Rachel Lee Siew Tan, Le Yu,   Xiong Wen (David) Lou, and Hongyu Chen, On the Origin and    Underappreciated Effects of Ion Doping in Silica, Small, 2015, 11, 4351.

[9] Chunsong  Zhao, Chaoliang Tan, Matin Amani, Xiaohui Song, Mark Hettick,   Hnin Yin Yin Nyein, Zhen Yuan, M. C. Scott, and Ali Javey, Thermally    Evaporated Tellurium Thin Films for p-Type Field Effect Transistors and   Circuits, Nature Nanotechnology, 2019, 15,53-58.

[10] Y Liu, J Wang, S Kim, H Sun, F Yang, Z Fang, N Tamura, R Zhang, Xiaohui   Song, J Wen, B Xu, A Minor, D Chrzan, M Scott, J Yao, Helical van  der Waals crystals with discretized Eshelby twist, Nature, 2019, 570,   358–362.

[11] Juyeong   Kim, Zihao Ou, Matthew R. Jones, Xiaohui Song and Qian   Chen, Imaging the polymerization of multivalent nanoparticles in   solution, Nature Communications, 2017, 8, 761.

[12] Rachel   Lee Siew Tan, Chong Wen Han, Feng Yuhua, Xiaohui Song, Tham   Chu Long, Wei Jun, Lin Ming, and Chen Hongyu, Nano-Screws: Asymmetrical   Etching of Silver Nanowires, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2016, 138 (34),   10770–10773


[1] 2017advanced material 材料论文国际最佳论文奖 美国,2017

[2] 2021"Best Researcher Award" in the International Scientist Awards on  Engineering, Science and Medicine, 2021







